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Unveiling the Truth: The Dark Side of Soy in Menopausal Transition

Unveiling the Truth: The Dark Side of Soy in Menopausal Transition

As the founder of Menoveda, India's first menopause-only brand, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to arm menopausal women with crucial knowledge of the good and bad of soy during this transitional period. Even after being a completely natural phase in a woman's life, menopause is riddled with challenges, signs and symptoms. While soy is believed to be highly beneficial in managing menopausal symptoms, the truth is still shrouded under the shadow of misinformation.


The Soy Hype

Menopause symptoms such as night sweats, declining libido, hot flashes, sleep issues, weight gain, saggy skin, trouble concentrating and 30+ other signs are somehow related to dwindling estrogen levels among women. Studies show that soy is a nutritional powerhouse of isoflavones —plant compounds that mimic estrogen or in simple terms, phytoestrogens. When you include soy in your routine, the isoflavones in soy, genistein and daidzein break down to lead to the production of deceptive estrogen and help women get rid of hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.

The Dark Side of Soy

While soy is surely beneficial for human beings, its consumption during the menopausal transition comes with potential drawbacks that cannot be ignored. Here are a few negative potentials of soy discussed in detail:

Hormonal Disruption

Phytoestrogens, found in large amounts in soy, mimic the actions of estrogen in the body. Although menopausal women who are losing estrogen may find this helpful, taking too many phytoestrogens can upset the delicate hormonal balance. Unexpected outcomes could result from this disturbance, making hormone swings worse rather than better. 

Thyroid Dysfunction:

As women are prone to struggle more with thyroid dysfunction, menopausal women are also at higher risk of growing thyroid issues. As research shows, soy can severely exacerbate these problems. A paper published in PubMed shows soy is potent to interfere with thyroid function and can lead to hypothyroidism or hinder full absorption of synthetic thyroid hormone. (1) It can worsen the condition or signs and symptoms of menopausal women who are under routine thyroid medication. 

Digestive Distress:

Studies also show that soy contains compounds that may interfere with nutrient absorption and digestion. (2) Menopausal women often face digestive challenges, and an excessive intake of soy can exacerbate these issues, leading to bloating, gas, and discomfort.

Allergenic Potential

Soy is a common allergen, and menopausal women with soy allergies need to be cautious. Allergic reactions can range from mild itching and coughing to severe stomach problems. When menopausal women are already troubled by so many uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, the added burden of soy allergy during such a vulnerable period can be a bummer. 

Navigating Menopause with Menoveda

At Menoveda, we believe in a holistic approach to menopause management. Our focus is on crafting products that harness the power of natural ingredients without compromising on safety. Instead of relying solely on soy, Menoveda’s supplements for menopause integrate a carefully curated blend of Ayurvedic herbs and modern science to provide effective and gentle support during the menopausal transition. 


As we are now aware of the adverse effects of soy on menopausal women, it’s time to make women’s menopausal transition smooth and simple. Being the founder of Menoveda, I am committed to offering women in India a solution that helps them lead a worry-free and trouble-free life. Just steer away from the soy hype and navigate this transformative phase with confidence and vitality.

